Saturday, November 5, 2011


At this time, I'm sorry to say, but all current projects are on temporary hold until further notice. 
Until funds for recording come in, I have to out them on the shelf. This is temporary, and, if God allows, I'll be putting together some new EP's in the coming year or so. That's my hope, anyway.

The first EP (as mentioned in my last blog post) is all written out, it just needs to be performed and recorded. I have another EP idea that's all written up, and ready to go as well, but there'll be more about that as it comes up. 

I'm looking to see about doing a Christmas show at club Ground Zero next month if they've got any openings...I'll keep you posted.

Until then, keep rockin' kids!

Friday, September 23, 2011

New project...needs backing!!

So, after many delays, 'The Longing For Light' EP is officially on the back burner again. Will it be completely shelved? I don't know yet. But within the course of this morning, I've put together a script of sorts for a completely new EP. Here's the thing: I have the whole EP, -from beginning to and- all written out! The the title, at this point, is "The Stars, And The Stripes EP". Problem is, I need backing. I'm looking for a drummer, and quality recording studio to get demo versions of the songs in place. You can email me at:


Aaron C.